
chromatography desiccants

What Are Desiccants? Types, Uses & Benefits

For many industries, moisture control is crucial during the production, shipping, and manufacturing of their products. If low humidity isn’t maintained in containers or packaging, sensitive products like medicine can be damaged and lose their efficacy. 

Other than the pharmaceutical industry, desiccants are widely used by food, packaging manufacturers, and the automobile industry. These absorbents help manufacturers prevent moisture damage and prolong the lives of their products. 

Let’s look at some of the common types of desiccants. 

Silica gel 

The desiccant is technically silicon dioxide with an uneven amorphous structure that helps it absorb high levels of moisture from its surroundings. It’s frequently used in the electronics and healthcare industries.

This desiccant works via a process commonly referred to as adsorption, where the microscopic silica gel’s pores absorb the water particles in the environment as the humid air passes through. Since silica has a very high surface, it can easily absorb a lot of moisture from its surroundings. 

Due to its high absorption qualities, silica gel is one of the most commonly used drying agents to protect goods against rust, mold growth, contamination, and other moisture-related damages.

molecular sieve in a dish

Molecular Sieves

Molecular sieves are composed of aluminosilicate material that has micropores. However, most molecular sieves have customizable pore sizes that allow the desired molecules to separate from each other. This feature of molecular sieves makes them an ideal option when it comes to separating and purifying gases in various chemical industries. 

Molecular sieves are also used for infiltration to lower the humidity levels in certain liquids and gases and can be used in high temperatures. Due to their customized pore sizes, molecular sieves are one of the most versatile desiccants available. 

Activated Clay

Activated dry clay is also called bentonite. It’s an absorbent clay that consists of a significant amount of montmorillonite. Since it’s dry clay, it’s mainly used to protect products in industrial packaging. This desiccant is usually available in the form of granules and acts as a great alternative to silica gels.

If you’re looking for quality desiccants and absorbents, Sorbead India can help you. We offer molecular sieve desiccant, USDMF desiccants, silica gel, and oxygen absorbents for a variety of industries.

We also offer other desiccants, including activated alumina, silica gel orange crystals, pharmaceutical coils, and much more. 

Contact us today to learn more about our products!

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